Steps to Prevent Skin Cancer

Skin cancer screenings and treatments from your dermatologist, Dr. Douglass Forsha of Jordan Valley Dermatology in South Jordan, UT, help protect both your skin and your overall health. Reducing your risk of skin cancer can be as simple as taking a few of these steps:

Use sunscreen every day

Do you only wear sunscreen if you're planning to spend the day outside? Although slathering on sunscreen prevents burns when you're sunbathing by the pool, sunburns aren't the only effects of ultraviolet (UV) light exposure.

Even short periods of sun exposure can cause damage that ages your skin and increases your risk of skin cancer. Wearing sunscreen every day that you are in the sun is the best way to avoid skin cancer.

The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using a water-resistant sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30. The product should offer protection from both UVA and UVB rays.

Wear hats and sunglasses

Hats and sunglasses offer additional sun protection. Look for hats with wide brims that completely shade your face. Skin cancer can affect your eyelids and the skin around your eyes and may increase your risk of cataracts. Choose sunglasses that block UVA and UVB light to fully protect your eyes. Wrap-around styles offer the most protection from UV light.

Stick to the shade

Seek out shady spots to reduce your skin cancer risk. If there's no shade nearby, create your own with an umbrella, hat, or beach canopy. Remember, it's still important to use sunscreen even if you plan to spend the day in the shade.

Cover up

Opt for long sleeves and pants rather than skin-baring styles if you are going to be spending time in the sun. Rashguards protect your chest, back, and arms when you're at the beach or pool, while loose, breathable clothing keeps you comfortable and protected when you're gardening, hiking, or shopping. Some brands of clothing even offer built-in UV protection.

Visit our South Jordan office

Red spots or sores that don't go away, flaky patches of skin, and changing moles can all be signs of skin cancer. Let your skin doctor know if you notice any of these changes. Regular skin cancer screenings are also important and ensure that you receive prompt treatment if you do happen to develop cancer.

Are you concerned about skin cancer?  Schedule a screening with your skin doctor, Dr. Douglass Forsha of Jordan Valley Dermatology, serving South Jordan, UT, and South Jordan, UT, call (801) 569-1456.

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8:00 am - 6:00 pm
8:00 pm - 5:00 pm