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Stop Popping Your Pimples and Do This Instead

Stop Popping Your Pimples and Do This Instead

When your pores get clogged, you naturally want to clear them any way you can. However, this doesn’t mean you should rush to pop pimples and squeeze out blackheads. 

When you have ongoing issues with blocked pores and acne, you should try to treat the root cause instead. In addition to improving your daily skincare routine, consider adding more in-depth treatments from an expert. 

Douglass Forsha, MD, and his  Jordan Valley Dermatology Center team of specialists in South Jordan, Utah, have solutions to help you deal with acne and feel better about your appearance.  

What happens when you pop pimples

There is something undeniably satisfying about popping pimples, but you’re not solving the problem when you do. Picking at your face damages your inflamed skin, and the bacteria under your nails worsens the infection. 

Pimple popping creates wounds, which lead to scars. If you have severe acne, you may even end up with long-term scarring.

Not all acne is the same. Whiteheads and blackheads are different from pimples or inflammatory lesions. Pimples have pus at the tip, while infected hair follicles don’t. Then, there are nodules and cysts, which feel like painful bumps under the skin. 

It’s common to experience more than one kind of acne at once. Regardless, you should never pick at your face with your fingers or tweezers. We also recommend avoiding pimple-popping tools; they might improve your appearance in the short term but still can damage your skin. 

If you struggle with acne, practice restraint and find real solutions. With the help of our skincare specialists, you can learn more about your skin and how to prevent and clear acne instead of reacting to it.  

What to do instead of pimple popping

Acne scars are more challenging to treat than acne, so you want to avoid them when possible. The best thing you can do when your skin is breaking out is leave it alone. Washing with a gentle cleanser and patting your face dry should prevent further inflammation.

If good hygiene and over-the-counter treatments fail to treat your acne, you still have options. At Jordan Valley Dermatology Center, Dr. Forsha excels at identifying potential factors in acne development and creating solutions.

Hormone changes, diet, medications, and even environmental triggers can cause breakouts. During your consultation, we ask questions about your skincare routine, lifestyle, and more. From there, Dr. Forsha can recommend a treatment plan. Yours might include: 

If your pimples truly need popping, it’s better to leave it to a professional. Dr. Forsha provides manual extraction for clogged pores and pustules that need immediate attention. 

To learn more about acne and discuss your options, call Jordan Valley Dermatology at 801-335-6728 or visit the contact page for more information.



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